
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

by Adrian Cooper
Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter
18 April 2010

Welcome to your Newsletter.

I do hope that you have enjoyed a Wonderful, Joyful and Healthy "week".

As always I would like to welcome the many new members joining us since our last Newsletter.

I would also like to thank those existing members who responded to their inner desire to be of Service to others by referring new members.

Service to Others Before Service to Self is of Principle importance throughout All.

It is impossible to attain Enlightenment in fact without embodying this Truth.

With the exception of Earth and other planets in the physical vibration, for the most part, Beings who have transcended the physical vibration devote their Being in the Service of Guiding those Expressions of Source who have not yet advanced to the same level to Evolve and progress on the Great Path to Source.

In fact through such Service comes Evolution, yet this is not the primary motive.

Service to Others Before Service to Self Embodies the Greatest Truth of All - we are All One, there is no duality, there is no "them and us", there is Only Source of Which "we" are All Divine Expressions in One-Ness.

To deny this, or to focus on Self to the exclusion of others is to deny Who we Are.

I have written this Newsletter almost continuously since 2005, and will continue to do so for as long as it is possible to do so - that I promise.

You can provide a large but simple Service by offering the opportunity to others.

If you are reading this Newsletter for the first time, you may, if you wish, join us by entering your details at the top of any page of our website at:

For those wishing for a higher understanding of the mysteries of Life, my book, Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind can be of Service, and is available in Paperback from and other large book stores - details here:

Ego-less Expression

Every week I receive many messages from people who are desperate to improve their "life" in some way.

Two words that feature in these messages are the same two words that do not exist in my daily vocabulary, and neither should they in yours.

These words are "try" and "fail".

People "try" to "do" something, often very hard and over a long period of "time", but yet they still "fail" and cannot understand why this is so.

This week therefore we will discuss this apparent paradox in depth.

A great Truth about Life itself is that it should be effort-less. We are Expressions of the Supreme Power and Intelligence we know as Source - God if you prefer - the name matters not.

This of course, for many, even most, is far from their experience.

Why is this?

Well Dear Reader there are many and varied reasons, but most, if not all arise from the attitude and belief of "modern human" that all achievement and attainment can only "come from" hard work" - physical effort.

This is further compounded by the role "money" exerts upon this process, accentuated by the perceived need to "go to work for a living" to "earn money" with which to purchase perceived needs and desires.

On another level, the Conscious, Ego Mind is always demanding to be allowed to "do" things, to be better than others - to satiate its own self-serving "wants".

Now of course this does not make the Conscious Mind, the Ego, "evil" or undesirable in some way - it simply Is.

In fact the Conscious, Ego Mind is absolutely necessary to our existence in this physical vibration.

The Conscious, Ego Mind allows us to make the decisions we make in order that we may Experience and thereby Evolve - which is our Primary Objective here.

The objective therefore is not to "destroy" the Ego Mind - which is impossible - but rather to Subjugate it - to apply it purely in the direction of Personal Evolution, ultimately leading to Enlightenment and the transcending of the physical vibration altogether.

This accomplished, our Higher Self has achieved this initial stage of its Individual Evolution, and progress to far more glorious pursuits as a Whole Spiritual Being.

I am sure that many of you have noticed that the more you "try", the less you succeed in achieving that which you are "trying" for.

The fundamental reason for this is because in "trying" the Conscious Ego Mind is "blocking" our True Nature, blocking the Natural Expression of Source through us.

If, on the other hand, we simply Be, and Allow, all of our genuine needs wishes and desire can Express to our Reality effort-lessly.

True effort-less Expression must also be Unconditional.

It is the Conscious, Ego Mind that wants to attach conditions such that "if I do this, I will achieve that".

This again arises from a lack of appreciation of Who We Are.

We cannot remind ourselves enough that we are Divine, All Powerful, All Knowing, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Expressions of Source - we already have "it" All. So how then can "effort" be required in order to "gain" something?

We cannot "gain" That Which we Already Have.

All we can and need do is to Allow that Which we Desire to Express itself from Within - from Source - from All That Is.

This Truth even applies to Spiritual and Metaphysical "practices".

The more you "try" to meditate, the more you will "fail" to meditate.

The more you "try" to Astral Project, the more you will "fail" to Astral Project.

The more you try to bend that spoon or move something with your Mind, the more you will "fail".

This, Dear Reader, is an absolute certainty.

The same applies to Life itself.

The more you "try" to make money, the more you will "fail" to make money.

The more you "try" to be happy", the more you will "fail" to be happy.

The more you "try" to attain Freedom - everyone should be Free - the more you "fail" in attaining your Freedom.

I could go on, but I am sure by now you understand in principle.

There are famous movies that embody this Truth, knowingly or not, for example:
Yoda, in one of the Star Wars series, said:

"Do or do not, there is no "try".

In the first movie in the Matrix trilogy, Neo was sparring against Morpheus in the combat training simulation in the Dojo. Neo, although his Mind had received all of the technical knowledge necessary for many of the martial arts, could not, initially, prevail over Morpheus, until finally Morpheus told him to:

"Stop trying to hit me, and hit me".

After which Neo was finally able to prevail over Morpheus.

Yes these are simply movies, but the both of these examples are absolutely relevant.

The Truth is simple. Only when we subjugate the Conscious, Ego Mind and allow that which is already within us to Express itself naturally and without "thinking", can those abilities Express to the fullest extent.

The same Principle applies to "attachment". The more you "attach" ourselves to some-thing at a Conscious level, the more distant it becomes.

We can only attract and embody that which we wish to be attached to through non-attachment. When we desire no-thing, we gain every-thing.

Two other words that should not exist in your Consciousness are "hard" and "easy".

These concepts also spring from the Conscious, Ego Mind, from erroneous thinking.

As Expressions of Source Every-Thing should be Simple and Effort-Less.

We are the Eaxact Same Source Energy Who Created All That Is, including the physical Universe with its countless Galaxies, Stars, Planet and other heavenly bodies without "effort" of any kind.

By comparison, how can any-thing be "hard"?

It is not when we allow that same Source to Express through us. Only the Conscious, Ego Mind makes it hard.

In fact in many cases the Conscious, Ego Mind likes to believe some objective is "hard", that it may feel "good", "brave" even "heroic" in "trying" to "achieve" them.

It matters not, Dear Reader, what you wish to "achieve" in Life - you have already "achieved" it. All you ever need to do is to allow yourself to Experience it.

It is always of value to examine your motives for "wanting" something.

For example - do you wish for a newer car because it will bring you Joy and Freedom, or because a neighbour has just purchased a newer car, and you do not wish to be seen to be a "poorer" neighbour?

The latter springs firmly from the Conscious Mind - the Ego.

In order to Express some-thing in to your Experience, it should be Ego-Less. If it is not Ego-Less you are placing an attachment which will prevent you from Experiencing it.

The same is True if you seek to attach conditions to Experiencing some-thing. If you say to yourself - "I can get this if only that happens", then you are applying a condition.

True Expression, like Love, is Unconditional, arising from Faith.

Let us conclude this Newsletter then by reviewing the conditions associated with Ego-less Expression:

1. Implicit acceptance of the Truth that we are all Expressions of God, Source Energy, First Cause, "God Principle.
When we Express our wishes, needs and desires in to our material, experiential reality, we do not do so through our own "power".
We rather decide, of our own Divine Freewill, and then through our thought processes, emotions, feelings, expectations and above all Conscious Intent, which is then Expressed, not as an individual personality, but as an Expression of God, in to our Conscious Awareness.
We are not attracting any "thing" from any "where".
We are already Whole in every possible way - The Kingdom of God is Within Us.
No-thing exists apart from us.
We are simply Feeling that which we wish to Experience, which is then Expressed in to our Sphere of Consciousness through Source, Creative, God Principle.
The Master who became known as Jesus taught this Truth thus:
"I and the Father are One".
"The Father within me doeth the works."
When Jesus uses the singular "I" or "Me" he means "You and I".
We are all Infinite, Immortal, Divine Expressions of Source, God, and All Co-Creators in the Universe.
Our Experiences here on Earth are very simple but necessary.
Upon completing our missions here we move on to Experiences as Expressions of the Divine Which are Glorious, far beyond the comprehension of Mortal Humans as we take our place in the Great Works of God, which are Splendid, perfect and Eternal.
2. Faith. Perfect Faith is the most important Principle behind Expression.
Faith can have two polarities - Positive/Creative and negative/destructive.
Faith is the Evidence of Things hoped for but not yet seen.
Faith is therefore the certain feeling that we already have everything we could possibly wish for need and desire, and that all we need do is to "take delivery" of it.
Faith is a very large and crucial subject, that cannot properly be summarised.
Suffice it to say - true Faith is immensely powerful as opposed to bind faith which is powerless.
3. Expectation. Expectation is Faith in progress.
Expectation is therefore the Faith that whatever you are Expressing through Divine Energy will soon be delivered in to your Experiential Reality.
4. Belief. Belief goes hand in hand with Faith, which is why Jesus also spoke of Belief so frequently, often in the context of Faith.
Belief is the unshakable Belief in Who we Are as Expressions of the Divine, and therefore the Certain Belief that all is possible with Perfect Faith.
5. Trust. Trust is Trusting in our own Infinite Potential as and Through, The Divine, Source Energy, God.
Trust is necessary to support our Faith and Belief.
6. Acceptance. As we know that the Expression of our wishes, needs and desires are already part of us, we must Accept our Good with Gratitude.
7. Gratitude. Gratitude is Expressed in the certain knowledge that as we are already Whole, and that we have the Perfect Faith, Expectation, Belief, and Trust, that we are already Grateful that our Expression has duly arrived in to our Conscious Awareness and accordingly our Experiential Reality.
Gratitude therefore is an Energy that recognises that the Expression of needs, wishes and desires has already been Realised through the Expressive Energy of Divine Providence.
These final three factors are not States of Consciousness in the same way as our first seven, they are rather Expressive Forces or Energies that give Power to the Expressive Principle.
8. Imagination. Imagination is an important Expressive Energy that Conceptualises, Consolidates and Crystallises, the Nature of that which we are Expressing in to our Experiential Reality.
The clearer we can Visualise, Feel, Hear, Taste and Smell within the aspect of Mind Principle that corresponds with their equivalent corporeal senses, the more the resultant Expression will correspond to our wish, need or desire.
So do not leave God guessing. Make your Wishes Known, and as Jesus said " It is God's good Pleasure to Give You the Kingdom.
It is impossible to Imagine anything that does not already Exist within the All of the Eternal Now.
So it is impossible to Imagine something "too big" to Experience. Our only consideration is to Express the factors discussed in 1. through 7 above to the maximum possible extent.
Never be afraid of being "greedy", or "unworthy" or minimalistic.
If you are going to Express something at least Express it gloriously.
As Jesus said - even something as tiny as a "Mustard Seed" - and he was not referring to "mustard seeds" as in "mustard and cress", he was referring to a large tree that grows in the Middle East, the seeds from which are very tiny. But as Jesus said, if you can Imagine it, and have the absolute Faith, it will be expressed as a magnificent tree.
9. Emotion. Emotion is a state of Consciousness that influences our Experience in accordance with the quality of the Vibration of the Emotion.
Emotion can therefore be thought of as E-Motion, or "Energy in Motion".
The more Positive Emotional Energy we Experience in the context of the Expressive Nature of our needs wishes and Desires, the "faster" relative to the concept of Earth "time", will those needs, wishes and desires be Expressed in to our Experiential Reality.
Such Emotions are for example Excitement, Joy and even Euphoria.
10. Feeling. Feeling goes alongside Emotion in that the more you can Feel that you are already Experiencing the Expressed Fruits of your Imagination, the sooner you will realise those Feelings in your Experiential Reality.
So you see Dear Reader, when you are Ego-Less, Life is Effort-Less.

Conversely, only when the Ego Mind seeks to engage itself and exert its influence does natural Expression from the Infinite All Inclusive Whole-ness that is our True Divine Nature become "trying" or seem "hard" in some way.

Every-thing in Life is only as "hard" as the Conscious, Ego Mind makes it, often through misguided vanity - comparing ourselves to "others".
From "failure" springs bitterness, resentment, hopelessness - all arising from the activities of the Conscious, Ego Mind.

When we cease "trying" to simply Be, then we are Whole, Joy-Full and Free.

And so it is.

Until next Sunday, I wish you a most Joyful, Healthy, Abundant and "effortl-less" week.

Brought to You In Divine Love, Light and Service,


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by Adrian Cooper Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 18 April 2010 Welcome to your Newsletter. I do hope that you have enjoyed a Won...